Privacy Policy
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Acuity Info Data Privacy Policy
To report any violations or abuse of our services, or to enquire about this policy, contact Acuity Info Data by mail
Compliance References:
1. Data Compilation
1.1. The information compiled by Acuity Info Data incorporates several data elements for businesses and consumers. The information is acquired from reliable sources and we take utmost care through specific quality control procedures to verify and maintain the accuracy of the said information.
- Government records
- B2B Directories
- Annual Reports, SEC Filings
- Newspaper Subscription Offers
- Sign-up data from email Campaigns
- Business tradeshow attendee lists
- Public Record Information
- Registration process for subscription sites
- Community postings
- Nationwide utility transaction reports
- Transactional data
- Phone surveys with every business
- Web-based Registrations and/or offers
- Business trade magazine subscription offers
2. Disclosure and/or Sharing of Personal Information
- In reasonable need to offer similar services
- When you have provided us consent for the purpose
- When we are legally obliged to do so
- Betterment of our Services by providing easily accessible and usable technology(ies) that enable our clients to execute their business objectives with more certainty.
- When prior consent is asked from and provided by subjects through the same channel of communication, and the objective of such communication is in line with clause a).
- Where processing in necessary to comply with our legal obligations, and on demand from regulatory authorities.
- Service Messages: to acknowledge ongoing and concluded transactions and interactions. Examples include: welcome messages, meeting schedules etc. There are no opt-out options for service messages.
- When prior consent is asked from and provided by subjects through the same channel of communication, and the objective of such communication is in line with clause a).
- Marketing Communications: on our own behalf or on behalf of known third parties. Such communications maybe sent when subjects have shown interest in receiving so – even when they do not have an account with us. Each of our marketing communications has an opt-out option at the footer of the messaging, in case subjects desire to stop receiving future mails in the same regard.
- Our Affiliates (legal entities controlled by us, controlling us, or share a common authority of control with us) within reasonable limits, with the sole purpose of providing our Services.
- Selected Third Parties, including our business partners, vendors/suppliers, and sub-contractors, for the performance of the contract we are in with them.
- Analytics and Search Engine Providers who assist us in improving our digital presence from time to time.
- Selling or buying of business assets
- Business acquisition by third party (data may become a transferred asset)
- Request for access to the data we have about them
- Request for the same to be updated, rectified, deleted, or blocked
- Request to abstain from using the said data
- Revoke their consent on processing their data (for consent-based processing)
- Request for a machine-readable copy of the data we have of them.
Upon your request, Acuity Info Data will:
- Allow any subscriber to "opt out" of further promotional contacts
- Use reasonable efforts to allow subscriber to update/correct personal information previously submitted which he/she states is erroneous to the extent such activities will not compromise privacy or security interests
- Initiate reasonable efforts to functionally delete the subscriber and his/her personal information from its database. Visitors should be aware that it might be impossible to completely delete erroneous information or a visitor's personal information without some residual information remaining in its database because of backups and records of deletions.
3. Data Security & Confidentiality
3.1. Acuity Info Data ensures that all customer data remains the property of the respective customers. We also do not use, rent, sell, transfer, or otherwise expose the contents of the tracking information resulting from click-through, messages opened, messages read, or eCommerce conversions. Acuity Info Data provides an SSL encrypted, password-protected mechanism for viewing and extracting customer data.
4. Cookies & Tracking Technologies
Does Acuity Info Data use cookies?
How does Acuity Info Data’s tracking technology work?
5. Third-party Site Links
Acuity Info Data’s website or messages may contain links to other (third-party) websites. Acuity Info Data is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such “other” websites. Third parties may independently collect information about website visitors when users view ads or other communications from third parties through Acuity Info Data products or services. Visitors must contact the third-party companies directly regarding actions on these matters.
6. Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM)
- Acuity Info Data is committed to providing a permission-based model for email marketing. To that end, we carry a strict internationally acclaimed anti-spam policy for all of our clients.
- Our clients are explicitly prohibited from sending any unsolicited material to recipients who have not expressed their permission to receive communications from them.
- Our services may only be used for lawful purposes and may not violate or intervene any local, state, federal or international laws.
These policies are part of our broader reaching Acceptable Use Policy that each of our clients are contractually bound to. Violation of this policy will lead to speedy termination of all access to Acuity Info Data applications, servers, and network.
7. Campaign Content (Emails)
8. Changes to Privacy Policy

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